Victoria Coaloa is a designer, educator and architect-developer who explores her interests in housing typologies, their relationship to micro-economics, population and migratory shifts, density and its effects in the growth of the global city. Multi-disciplinary collaborations through projects, research and publications has also been a major focus of her work, allowing for disciplines to overlap and create new ways of approaching design.
Victoria is currently an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Southern California (USC). She teaches advanced and core design studios in the undergraduate and graduate programs, and is a visiting professor in the Asia Architecture and Landscape Urbanism program (AALU).
She received her Bachelor of Architecture from The Southern California Institute of Architecture in 2004 (SCI-arc). She continued her studies in Wolf Prix’s master classe at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Universität für angewandte Kunst). After her studies in Vienna she remained in Europe and worked at Coop-Himmelb(l)au as design architect until 2010 when she returned to Los Angeles. During that time, she worked on large scale institutional and mixed-use projects, including built work such as: The BMW World in Munich, The Busan Cinema Center in Korea and The Dalian Conference Center in China.